5 Mobilization Techniques to Reduce Foot Pain

Whether we are standing, walking or working out – our feet carry the burden of our body weight and stress during our daily movements. Often taken for granted, our feet need just as much of a recovery as the rest of our muscle groups.    If recovery is neglected for too long, fatigue, tissue stress…

Sensory Stacking | The integration of tactile, visual and auditory input

The seemingly simple task of balancing on one leg or walking across the room is actually a complex, integrated, multisensory experience with stimulation coming from the eyes, ears, joints and plantar foot.  For this integration to occur, the various sensory inputs must ultimately converge on the same neurons. At the cortical level, it has been…

Balance & the Basal Ganglia | The Power of Eye Movement Exercises

Fall reduction, balance training and body awareness training are all key concepts for the baby boomer and the client living with a chronic neurological condition such as MS, Parkinson’s or neuropathy.  Being able to balance on one leg is not only a skill but a necessity when it comes to walking.   In fact, it was the…

Somatosensory Development in Children

The somatosensory system is the part of the sensory system concerned with the conscious perception of touch, pressure, pain, temperature, position, movement, and vibration, all of which arise from the muscles, joints, skin, and fascia. In children, this complex system is crucial to the development of posture, movement, perception of self, emotion and social interactions.   By understanding the way our…

Anchoring | The Mental Side of Performance

Mindset is everything.  Period.  As a former athlete, now CEO, I have come to greatly appreciate the power of the mind.   If the mind isn’t in the game, neither are you. When it comes to performance, both athletic and in business, there is a technique that I’ve been using for years as a way to help…

Walking Speed – A Predictor of Longevity

Walking.   The most foundational and functional movement pattern we do every day.    This subconscious movement pattern is often taken for granted however the implications of poor walking metrics is actually a huge predictor of vitality and longevity.    In fact a 2009 publication by Fritz et al. referred to gait as the 6th vital sign.  Walking Speed, the Sixth Vital Sign  According…

Can you feel your feet?

Can you feel your feet? Often taken for granted, our feet’ sensation is necessary for optimal movement, balance, and performance. Over 20 million adults in the United States live with decreased foot sensation, also known as peripheral neuropathy.    From diabetes to multiple sclerosis and autoimmune disease, this peripheral loss of sensation contributes to over…