Toe-Spread vs. Short Foot: Intrinsic Activation

From the minimalist footwear movement to barefoot training, one of the greatest benefits of getting out of the orthotics and motion-controlled shoes is the activation of the plantar intrinsic foot muscles. As the health and fitness industry begins to embrace the many benefits of intrinsic foot strength, researchers are starting to question which foot exercises…

Rearfoot Position and Closed-Chain Calf Stretching

Normal gait requires at least 5 degrees of ankle dorsiflexion, with maximum dorsiflexion occurring closed chain during late mid stance when the subtalar joint is passing through neutral.   Limited ankle joint dorsiflexion can result in a myriad of compensations both proximally and distally. From knee hyperextension to midfoot over-pronation (calcaneal eversion), the deforming forces…